Press: 2015

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How to Use Science to Make Safe Eggnog With Raw Eggs

by Adam Rogers in Wired Magazine

Every year, you wish you liked eggnog more than you do. The branding powers of the Season that ‘Tis act like it’s as vital and inimical as spruce trees and gift wrap. They flavor lattes with it! But more likely than not, you take no more than a delicate, polite sip of store-bought stuff poured from | Read More

America’s Greatest Bartenders of 2015

by Kristin Hunt in Thrillist

Basically invent barrel-aged cocktails? Been there, done that. Get everyone into bottled, carbonated cocktails? Old news. Now, Jeffrey Morgenthaler is all about reviving questionable ’80s cocktails. His Amaretto Sours are downright desirable, which is a grand feat because those things never are.