I just looked at the calendar and realized that today is a crucial halfway-point in the year – and that I only have six months to prepare myself for my favorite American holiday: Repeal Day!
Last year was a big year for Repeal Day. We saw the launch of RepealDay.org, the official home of Repeal Day on the web and a source of information for an astounding 50,000 visitors in the month of December alone. Repeal Day parties sprang up everywhere across the country, and the good people at Dewar’s Scotch generously brought me out to New York to help them celebrate Repeal Day, of which they’ve been proud supporters since the beginning.
But as monumental last year’s Repeal Day celebration was, it should look like nothing at all when compared to this year: The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Repeal of Prohibition. I’ll be updating not only this website but also expanding the valuable information at RepealDay.org and reporting on what Dewar’s has got in store for all of us this year. Stay tuned!
PS – If you’re new to the site, please take a minute and read my thoughts as to why I feel Repeal Day is so important. As always, thanks for reading.
He came in for dinner with his wife a little while after getting the medal. Good man. Nobody pointed out the irony that Wondrich was winning a BEARD award, though.
And with regards to Repeal Day – you getting the royal treatment from Dewar’s again? Because I’ll take the week off for a much needed tour-de-force of NYC bars. I’ll do it if I have to. Some anniversaries can’t go by unheralded.
And in case you were wondering, David had a Sazerac Manhattan up.
Easy, there, Boudreau. Some of us were busy bartending this weekend 😉
Seriously, though, that’s great news for David and for all of us in the biz. Congrats, indeed!
Looking forward to the 75th with much anticipation, Jeffrey. Thanks for keeping the torch burning for repeal day.