
These are blog posts that didn’t fit into one of the three categories I typically write about: Recipes, Ingredients, and Techniques. Let me know if you think something’s wrong with this.

New Universal Syrup Calculator Webapp!

This is for those of you who aren’t super comfortable with spreadsheets (and I don’t blame you) and would prefer to have a much easier solution. I spent waaaay too much time getting real granular (no sugar pun intended) this morning creating a handy webapp that will now create a perfect 1:1 or 2:1 syrup | Read More

A Love Letter to Bleu Cheese Stuffed Olives

My first real fancy bar job was at a French restaurant. I’d been working for like six years in dive bars and clubs already but this was like, black tie, crisp white shirt, starched bistro apron, the whole thing. Pouring wine and TONS of Martinis. At least once a night someone would order a Martini | Read More

How to Eat an Artichoke

Okay, so I grew up eating artichokes – my family lived not far from Castroville, California, and they were a regular part of dinner for me. So when we opened Pacific Standard in Portland, with a food menu that serves as a tribute to West Coast cooking, I knew I had to put a steamed, | Read More

The “Fluicer” Hand Juicer

Yesterday I bought a new hand juicer that someone shared with me, and I bought it because it was something I’d never seen before! (To be fair I do believe it was just released this year – someone let me know if this is incorrect) It’s a hard plastic, flat hand juicer. That’s right, it | Read More

Keoke Coffee

The Keoke Coffee is one of those drinks that I got a lot of orders for back in the late 90s and early 2000s when I was first starting out making cocktails. And I never really gave it much thought back then, because it seemed like there were a hundred coffee drinks that all seemed | Read More

Introducing: Pacific Standard

This post is long overdue, but I’ve been very, very, very busy these past four months. In case you haven’t heard, I’ve finally opened my own bar – with my good friend, business partner, and former lead bartender at Clyde Common, Benjamin Amberg. And now that I’m finally able to come up for air a | Read More

Universal Syrup Calculator

LATEST UPDATE: This calculator is, well, not obsolete – but there is a much better version that I’ve finally finished building for you over at – it’s a much easier, and much more robust version of this old syrup calculator that you’ve been using for the past several years. Unlike the spreadsheet in this | Read More

Introducing: Ninkasi Canned Cocktails

I started tending bar when I was in school, back in 1996, at a corner bar called The Tiny Tavern, located in the Whitaker district of Eugene, Oregon. It was (and still is) kind of a rough-and-tumble part of town, full of working class people, families, musicians, artists, you name it. I met a lot | Read More

Cocktail ABV Calculator

Something occurred to me recently: Why are we still banishing low-alcohol and no-alcohol drinks to their own dumb section of the menu, like they’re sitting at the kids’ table at dinner? Think about it for a second, doesn’t it seem a little barbaric in this day and age – when we’re all consuming more low-proof | Read More

My New Favorite Citrus Peeler

I love being pleasantly surprised by bar-related knowledge, and this is the most recent surprise I learned while doing a staff training last week here in Portland. Head bartender Jared Miller shocked me by telling me that he cuts his citrus peels with one of the cheese slicers they use at the wine bar he | Read More

At My Bars, We Support Brands Who Support Bartenders – Part II

Back in 2019, I wrote a little piece about how liquor companies could be better about supporting the next generation of working bartenders. It was really well-received by both the bartending community and by the brands who truly care about the people who are on the front lines, selling their products. Dozens of brands reached | Read More

Updated Resume/CV Help

With the loss of both my bartending/bar management jobs due to the pandemic, I just wrote my first resume (curriculum vitae or CV for my international and academic friends) in nearly fifteen years. To say I was a little rusty at putting together a resume would be putting it mildly. I haven’t had a need | Read More

Vaccinations and Hospitality

I’m copying this over from Instagram, which I never do, However, it was one of the rare Instagram posts of mine that actually has to do with hospitality, so I felt it was important to share here. The State of Oregon approved restaurant workers for COVID-19 vaccination on April 5th, and after spending many mornings | Read More

Ice: How Much Does Shape and Clarity Really Matter?

This experiment was inspired by a guest we had at the bar a few years ago, it was one of those experiences that sticks with you. We had a relatively new bartender – new to us, and new to bartending that we were so happy to have. I was working with her one night when | Read More

My New Role with the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

For over a decade now, I have been a judge at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. It has been an incredible honor for my professional career to be part of the world’s most prestigious spirits competition, and one of the oldest, for half of its life. The Competition is run by Anthony Dias Blue, | Read More