New Universal Syrup Calculator Webapp!

See more General / Techniques

This is for those of you who aren’t super comfortable with spreadsheets (and I don’t blame you) and would prefer to have a much easier solution. I spent waaaay too much time getting real granular (no sugar pun intended) this morning creating a handy webapp that will now create a perfect 1:1 or 2:1 syrup from any liquid, which now includes liquid sugars such as honey, agave syrup, maple syrup, etc!

Just plug two numbers into the site (you’re still going to need a cheap digital scale and refractometer) and it spits out all the information you need in order to make your syrup. Easy peasy! And as a bonus, and especially for all of us working bartenders out there, it’s formatted to be super legible and easy to use (with wet fingers, naturally) on your phone while you’re at work.

Take a look at and let me know what you think!

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