Okay, I know. This is some seriously low-hanging fruit and I should be ashamed of myself for making fun of it. But come on. It’s so bad, but it’s so fun. So sit back, and enjoy this video from one of our longtime favorites.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Sazerac. A drink that originilated in New Orleans.
- Get a mixing cup to get your ingredients in there.
- Be old school and add an ounce of brandy (note: this makes approximately half a drink)
- Add six times the amount of sugar normally called for.
- Get those Picard bitters in there.
- Add ice and then grab some abstinenthe. Abstinenthe is a blue version of absinthe and tastes like mouthwash.
- Placing a bar spoon upside down in the glass, stir until it’s nice and chill.
- Skip the always-specified lemon peel and garnish with an orange peel for some unknown reason.
- Serve in a cocktail glass.
- Profit from the fools who enroll in your bartending school.
You know its a lost cause when the strainer is fighting you.
Wow. I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time! I wonder if he’s abstaining from abstinenthe. And why would you purchase simple syrup?
Holy… I…
I give him some credit for making it with brandy; I like brandy Sazeracs. That I like them is why the video is such a horror show to me.
I can’t imagine what that must have tasted like. Equal parts brandy and syrup, then just that piteous dribble of, “Picard,” bitters (Kirk bitters are better), all left to water down while he uses an unnecessary amount of that, “absininthe,” to coat a martini glass before tossing most of it away. (I was half afraid that he would leave it all in the drink)
Given how much sugar water he seems to use, I think that this guy might not actually like alcohol.
Ohhh…wow…yes! This is the best thing since “Mint Julep is a Mojito w/ Bourbon”!!!
Jeffrey – I don’t think there was ever any doubt, but truly, you bring sooo much joy into my life! <3
I hate that these monsters are out there…but PLEASE keep finding them for us?! 😉
Well, he didn’t pick his nose this time. Progress?
Worst thing about this is that he makes it sound like he knows what he he is talking about so if you are a greenhorn you probably wont be able to call him on his bull**** absolute crime he is teaching anyone anything
Here’s another classic video on how to fuck up an Old-Fashioned.
I think Abstinenthe is an ingredient that makes you really, really hung over, such that, well, you know…
Better or worse than this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWeVRxR1qek
I feel bad for laughing….. Wait, no I don’t lol.
Does he realize that his Brandy looks like grape drink?
Abstinence! That’s it. If you drink this guy’s “sazerac” you will definitely abstain from ever drinking one again.
that drink should be called a Snazzerac.
With this unique prep method, I believe it calls for “Abstinence”. Can’t wait for their Ramos Gin Fizz.
Too damnned funny. “Absinenth” ha ha ha. And btw, hateful that someone might “learn” from this.
What, no rimming the glass with something from his nose?
The actual way to make a Sazerac.
Please tell me no one watches these for anything but comic value! 1:1 simple to brandy? Yikes!
In middle school, my health teacher said that abstinenthe was the only 100% surefire method of birth control. But then again, he drank a lot and had a lisp. Aw, who am i kidding, i was homeschooled.
“We’re old school.”
Dear Satan:
Please don’t take Jeffrey yet, so he can continue making fun of other people, so we don’t have to. Thank you!
If you click the “more info” tab on the YouTube video you’ll find the proper spelling is Pycord Bitters and the spec is a full 1:1 ratio of sugar to spirit. Be sure to muddle those ingredients well:
“Fill rock glass with ice cubes
In another glass or mixing cup place
place 1/4 oz. absinthe liquor in a cocktail glass and swirl to coat and pour out
1 oz. (30 ml) brandy
1 oz. (30) simple syrup or sugar
2 dashes pycord bitters
muddle ingredients
pour ingredients into cocktail glass.”
I’ve been using abstinent for quite sometime. In combination with the Picard bitters it does wonders……
He’s back!!
fuck yeah!